Friday, April 1, 2016

A Rough Day

I was able to go to the school again last Wednesday and it was not exactly the positive experience I have had previously. Student K kept falling asleep, Student S was silent the entire time, and Student C was distracted by the new student -- Student F. Student F is a hispanic male who completely zones out when he is not flirting with Student C. Getting them to do any work was quite the struggle. In our Monday night classes we have been talking about our experiences at the high school and up until now I have been shocked by my peers negative experiences. Up until now I have been able to keep my students engaged. I am having an issue relating to my students' lack of interest in school. Although high school was definitely stressful, I always knew that I was working towards college and ultimately my future career. I was always able to find motivation in that. Anyone have any suggestions for motivating students that I only see once a week for an hour?

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