Thursday, April 21, 2016

The Day No Students Showed Up

Hello dear readers!

As per the norm, I went to the high school yesterday. However, only one of the students I work with on a weekly basis showed up! So Student K and I got some nice one-on-one tutor/mentor time! As always, she didn't really need help with her work. Even though she was doing group work by herself, she finished first in the class. After that, we were just having casual conversation when SHE brought up her personal life! I didn't even have to ask! She told me about her new boyfriend, why she agreed to go out with him, etc. (I'll spare you all the juicy details). Long story short, she is settling for less than she deserves and she knows it. This is the first time that it was really apparent how low her self esteem is. After the boy talk, I asked her about college. This seemed to hit a soft spot. Her boyfriend is going to Kennesaw State University and she seems to think that she is not good enough to get into KSU. Seeing as I worked in the orientation department at KSU for two years, I assured her that she could. We talked to the teacher and she is going to print out a grade report for Student K so that we can see her GPA. Student K and I are going to look into colleges based off of her GPA and work on getting her ready for the SAT/ACT. As soon as I volunteered to help her, she perked up and became excited about college! It was probably the most beautiful and fulfilling moment I have had as a mentor. She is incredibly bright and I can't wait to help her reach her full potential. I feel like this is going to turn into a long term mentorship and I am ecstatic.

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