Friday, April 29, 2016


My experience at this high school is one that I will never forget. I was very lucky to meet such interesting, insightful, and intelligent students. Although most of the books that we read in class did not directly relate to the 3 students I constantly worked with, I definitely saw some parallels between the overarching themes discussed in our class and the high school. We talked constantly in class about feminism in the classroom which was something I was able to discuss with the young ladies. Although they became distracted when a boy joined the group, I was able to get them back in track by reminding them that a man does not have to be their end goal. They can have successful careers of their own if they work hard enough in school. I am also able to relate my experience to the concepts in  What Keeps Teachers Going. Although I often became frustrated with the student's distraction, I reminded myself why I was there and I didn't lose motivation (for too long). At the end of the day, this is an experience I have greatly learned from. To tutor or not to tutor: there is no question. Do it.

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