Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The 3 Hour Day

Yesterday I decided to make up some of my hours by getting a different classroom experience. First, I went to the class I usually mentor/tutor in. From the group I usually work with, only Student K and Student F were there. To be honest, I felt pretty helpless for most of the class, because they were reviewing on USA TestPrep for most of the class. Student K seemed to be obsessed with Student F during this time so I mostly just kept them on track. The next class period, however, I was in an education 2020 class -- online english/ foreign language. Assisting the students on the computer turned out to be quite the struggle. One student was very happy to have my help, but he didn't really need it. It was actually really hard not to just give him the answers to some of the questions, because they were so pointless. This student obviously enjoys English class, but the (stupid) questions turned him off from actually completing the lesson and reading the excerpts. To be honest, I can't blame him. I was in his situation, I would just try to test out of the lesson too. The students are at this school for a reason, but the reason isn't that they are stupid. So I don't understand why their online work is designed like they are. If my classes in high school were set up that way, I wouldn't like them either.

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